Saturday, 3 April 2010

Clawing back normal

This morning the boys have gone to their dad’s – they go every other weekend down to the farm. R got up this morning with a blood glucose level of 4.4 – low but not worryingly so. In fact this is the first time he’s dipped below 5 so we feel as if we’re finally getting to grips with the condition (I know – how ridiculous is that!). He ate a large breakfast – hot chocolate (Skinny Cow – no sugar! He needs sugar!), porridge (good), scrambled eggs with cheese, creme fraiche, smoked salmon and wholemeal toast (gourmet food! Ha!). He’s constantly hungry and things like the salmon and the eggs will fill him up, help him grow but not fill him with carbs and this morning he needed carbs.

He’s just ‘phoned me – blood glucose is 4.2. I’ve told him to go to a cafe and eat a muffin or a doughnut (I know it’ll make his BG spike, but we’re still getting hold of this…) after he’s had a swig of cola or some dextrose tablets or fruit pastelles. Yes, guess who forgot to hand their father a pack of Lucozade tablets and a Tracker bar before they left?

I’m panicking a little – this is R’s very first hypo and fortunately it’s really mild, but still I’m worried.

He’ll be fine, I’m sure he will.

He’s called again – taken dextrose, feels better. I’ve consulted The Book (‘Type 1 Diabetes in children, adolescents and young adults’ by Dr Ragnar Hanas), sent him further info about eating, feeling better shortly and how his blood glucose level should normalise within the next hour or so but both his father and brother will have to keep an eye on him. Information, education *is* the treatment and it works for all of us.

And thank god for mobile ‘phones.


Anne Booth said...

Heidi, you are dealing very well with this. It's bound to be scary, but, as you say, thank God for mobile phones and informative books and your own calmness under pressure. His breakfast sounded delicious! Re mobile phones - I wish they would invent a self-charging one. As long as his is charged and topped up (or on contract) and you both ccntinue to be so matter of fact it will be fine - but its easy for me to say. i think you are all doing absolutely brilliantly. Happy Easter!

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