Friday, 12 January 2007

Life has been quiet around here for the last few days….

And it’s left me feeling very thoughtful…

Bad weather combined with writing deadlines have kept me inside and my backside aches – with sitting down for so long…..

Currently I’m working on a novella…this is aside from the freelance deadlines…

The novella is what is known as Poetic Prose….also known as erotica lite….not porn but a sensuous tale of obsession and stalking – from the female stalker’s point of view….

Research has to be carried out for any good writing….but no, I haven’t taken up stalking as a hobby….but all of us have a little bit of an obsessive nature about something or other or for that matter, someone….

Mostly though, this week I’ve been reading…Anaïs Nin to be precise…but not her novels (I’m waiting for them to arrive from Amazon – in brown paper I hope!) instead I’m reading her journals….and I’m amazed, or horrified, to realise that so much of what she talks about rings so very true with me….One of the most important things that she says, for me…is this…

‘You live like this, sheltered, in a delicate world, and you believe you are living. Then you read a book (Lady Chatterley, for instance), or you take a trip, or you talk with Richard, and you discover that you are not living, that you are hibernating. The symptoms of hibernating are easily detectable: first, restlessness. The second symptom (when hibernating becomes dangerous and might degenerate into death): absence of pleasure. That is all. It appears like an innocuous illness. Monotony, boredom, death. Millions live like this (or die like this) without knowing it. They work in offices. They drive a car. They picnic with their families. They raise children. And then some shock treatment takes place, a person, a book, a song, and it awakens them and saves them from death.’ Anaïs Nin

Here is a pic of a Quotable Tattoo...the quote is taken from Anaïs Nin's journals and seems sort of appropriate...

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