Sunday 25 March 2007

Having too many glasses of wine and being badly behaved.

The girls’ night in went very well indeed. I’m afraid I can’t report back on what was said as I don’t remember, apart from a very off colour remark from Jules concerning male bodily fluids trickling down legs…three days later apparently… to which I replied, “anally retentive?” Roo nearly choked on her wine and Jules missed what I said and is still continuing to ask me why Roo was choking and I was sniggering…..

The pub crawl the following night ended up being one pub – a live band was playing, The Angry Pirates , and very good they were too. The pub was also packed out with a gang of men in suits – all Down From London to play golf – they looked like Essex Wideboys and it turned out that some of them were….I ended up being very rude to one of them – he sold Double Glazing and was rather taken with me – I told him (bearing in mind I’d had 6 or 7 glasses of wine and knew no fear by that point) that he was lucky I even looked at him, let alone spoke to him….I’m not usually like that (ever) but he was incredibly cocky and asked for it…He then gave me his room number – I laughed and told him he didn’t stand a hope in hell’s chance. Jo decided at that point to take me home, so while she waited outside for a taxi to turn up I decided to chat to a rather nice looking young chap who had a lovely Celtic design tattoo on his arm. The tattoo went up his arm, over his shoulder and onto his collar bone, he also had a perfect six-pack stomach and surprisingly the pub has a ‘no shirts off’ rule too….I’m not going into too much detail about the night mainly because I don’t remember most of the conversations I had……I know I had a lovely long chat with a really funny guy who went by the nickname of Shrek - yes, he did look a bit like him.

Very entertaining and a thoroughly nice person too, he's promised to look after Jo when she moves into town. I do also remember talking to a nice girl called Zoe who had a fab handbag and wore Max Mara perfume – I know it was that type because I asked her. I also told her if she was a man I’d fancy her because she smelled so nice and had such good taste in bags….She reminded me that if she was a man she wouldn’t have the bag and wouldn’t be wearing ladies perfume….good point….

I do remember getting back to Jo’s house and spending a good 30 minutes, at least, being ill….and blaming Jo for all of it, something along the lines of, “I told you not to let me have more than four glasses. I want to die. I feel so ill. Why did you let me drink so much wine?” et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum (and it was too). When I went to bed I passed out and then the following morning still felt drunk.

Early night last night – especially as the clocks went forward and we all lost an hour in bed. Tonight I’m off to see my friend Kate’s band play and this time I’ll be driving, so no alcohol for me – and my liver is no doubt very pleased about that.

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