Sunday 4 February 2007

Is this bad of me?

As I mentioned a few posts back my friend Jo has recently split from her husband. She’s in her early forties and very attractive, she’s a MILF…

Anyway, she has decided that now it’s time to get back up on the horse, so to speak…She’s up for dating again. I guess each successive generation feels like it’s breaking new ground and doing things for the first time; dating like teenagers when you have teenagers yourself for example.

She’s not particularly computer literate so she’s avoiding the whole internet dating thing – one of the reasons I can write fairly freely about her on here is because she won’t come looking at it, but even if she did, there’s nothing I haven’t discussed with her already…

So her current alternative is to give Speed Dating a try….It’s all booked for three weeks time…”Fine” I said when she told me, “You’ll enjoy it” But the reason she told me? Would I go along with her, just as moral support, I don’t have to take part, I can sit at the bar and watch…it’s for 35-45 year olds anyway…Hmmm…..

In the interests of writing, entertainment and this blog…I’m going to go with her, on the strict understanding that I am only there in a supportive capacity….She has already admitted that she’ll be cross with me if I’m sitting at the bar and manage to pull…..and she suspects that I will….Which I found hugely flattering – it’s far more flattering to hear that sort of thing from a fellow woman than a man, believe me women are far, far more competitive about looks and general attractiveness than you would ever believe… even amongst our closest allies.

So before then I really must get my hair done….I mean, I don’t want to let her down, do I? Is that bad of me, to want to look good?

1 comment:

Unknown said...


How about online speed dating?

My name is mong. I like fast cars, star trek and naked chicks although I am still a virgin. I spend all day on the net yet live in the real world. I have an unfeasably large penis and several convictions for perjury. I also love nice arses and have been known to pee in the shower on occasion. If I get a note from my mum I can stay out late on Saturdays. My braces are magnetic which is why I always take bitty on the left hand side. Sometimes I am naughty and must be punished. Sometimes I am naughty and do the punishing. Will you be my fwiend?